
Applicant Testing



The main objective of this section is to provide sample Test Cases that can be used to test your Applicant Organization interface to the Grants.gov Training Environment (https://training.grants.gov) using the Web Service Library. Below is a list of web services that will be tested:

  • GetOpportunities

  • SubmitApplication

  • GetApplicationList

Test Cases

2.1 Check Connectivity

Web Service(s) Included in Test:


  • Applicant Organization user is registered in the Grants.gov Training environment and set up with the role to submit an application.

  • Applicant Organization certificate is installed in the Grants.gov Training Environment and has the necessary roles to submit an application.

Verify that the connection with Grants.gov is working by conducting a simple test. In our example, we will retrieve opportunities from Grants.gov Training Environment. Any web service method can be used to perform a connectivity test with Grants.gov.

Test Procedures:
Step 1: Using the Training Environment Grants.gov user interface, search for desired Funding Opportunity Numbers, CFDA Numbers, and/or Competition ID to use in Step 2 (if not already known).
Step 2: Retrieve opportunities from the Grants.gov Training environment by invoking the portion of your system which retrieves opportunities. You will need to use one or more of the following input parameters:

  • FundingOpportunityNumber

  • CFDANumber

  • CompetitionID

Step 3: Check your return values to validate the web service from Step 2. Generally, these are found in your program logs or displayed on the screen in your system user interface.
Step 4: Verify the list of opportunities matching your specified criteria is returned to your system. You can verify this by performing a Search by navigating to Grants.gov Training environment at https://training.grants.gov.

Expected Results:
The system successfully invoked the Grants.gov web service to retrieve a list of opportunities matching your criteria as verified in the last step.

2.2 Submit Application

Web Service(s) Included in Test:

Check Connectivity Test Case 2.1 was successful.

The objective of this test case is to submit a single or multi-project application.

Test Procedures: 
Step 1: Invoke the portion of your system that prepares the application data and submits the application and its attachments to Grants.gov.
Step 2: Check your return values to validate the web service for Step 1 ran correctly. Generally, these are found in your application logs or displayed on the screen in your systems user interface.
Step 3: Verify if the submission has been made by navigating to Grants.gov Training environment at https://training.grants.gov/. This can be done in 2 ways.

  • Navigate to "Track My Application" link of the home page and specify the tracking number used to get the current status of these submissions.

  • Login and click on "Check My Application Status" on the left navigation panel. If you are able to login but not see this menu option, please contact your EBiz POC to obtain the correct roles.

Step 4: Verify receipt of Grants.gov email notifications showing the progress of the submitted application.

Expected Results: 
The system successfully invoked the Grants.gov web service to submit the applications as verified in the last two steps.

2.3 Get List of Submitted Applications

Web Service(s) Included in Test:


  • Check if Connectivity Test Case 2.1 was successful.

  • Submit Application Test Case 2.2 was successful.

The objective of this test case is to make sure that the system returns a list of submitted applications matching the specified criteria.

Test Procedures: 
Step 1: Invoke the portion of your system that retrieves the list of submitted applications based on the following criteria:

  • Status

  • Opportunity ID

  • CFDA Number

  • Submission Title

  • Grants.gov Tracking Number

Step 2: Check that your system returns the list of submitted applications matching the criteria.
Step 3: Verify if the list of applications is correct by navigating to Grants.gov Training environment at https://training.grants.gov/. Login and click on "Check My Application Status" on the left navigation panel.

Expected Results: 
The system successfully invoked the Grants.gov web service to retrieve the submitted application list as verified in the last step.